FLU VACCINE 2025 - Call our reception to book with your practice nurse.

The influenza vaccine (also called the flu vaccine) is used to prevent infection caused by the influenza (flu) virus. The flu can cause serious illness, especially in young children, older adults and people with long-term health problems, but anyone can become seriously ill from the flu virus.

Even if you're not feeling sick, you could still be infected with the flu virus and pass it on to others.

The flu vaccine is available from 1 April each year, before winter starts. We recommend everyone over 6 months old gets immunised against flu every year.

If you have a tamaiti (child) under 9 years old, talk to your vaccinator about whether they may need 1 or 2 immunisations (4 weeks apart) depending on if they have had a flu vaccine before.

Gillian Lane
Dr Michael Hoogerbrug's Retirement

It is with mixed feelings that I need to inform you that I am retiring as a partner at Browns Bay Medical Centre as of the end of March 2025.

I have been in practice for 43 years in Browns Bay.

I wish to thank my loyal patients for their support & friendship over many years.

 Dr David Lim will become a new principal & take over the responsibilities for the majority of my patients. David is New Zealand trained & a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. He has been with us for over a year now and has already established a strong following with his friendly manner and excellent clinical skills.

Some of you may have relationships with Drs Tina Dirven, Shelley Stansfield or Rachel Dallimore and wish to transfer to their care. 

I will continue to work limited hours through a transition period as locum to the practice but I will no longer be your principal GP .    

Best Wishes

Michael Hoogerbrug 

Gillian Lane